× 1-800-513-4973

Terms and Conditions

SERVICE TERMS AND AGREEMENT FOR DUMPSTER RESERVATIONS This Service Terms and Agreement for Dumpster Reservations (the “Agreement”) is by and between Temporary Dumpster LLC (“Temporary Dumpster”) and you (“Client” or “you”). This Agreement governs your procurement of dumpster services (the “dumpster services”) provided by an independent third-party dumpster company (the “Dumpster Company”) arranged by Efffortless Dumpster. BY CLICKING “I AGREE”, MAKING A RESERVATION, UTILIZING THE DUMPSTER SERVICES, OR OTHERWISE SIGNIFYING YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT, YOU REPRESENT AND WARRANT THAT (A) YOU ARE AUTHORIZED TO ENTER THIS AGREEMENT FOR AND ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND YOUR ORGANIZATION, AND ARE DOING SO, (B) YOU AND YOUR ORGANIZATION CAN LEGALLY ENTER INTO THESE TERMS AND (C) YOU HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT YOU AND THE ORGANIZATION SHALL BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT.
Reservations for Dumpster Rental Services may be made electronically through Temporary Dumpster’s website – temporary.local (the “Website”) or by phone. Until the reservation is confirmed by Temporary Dumpster in writing (including by email), the  reservation is subject to change by Temporary Dumpster. Temporary Dumpster is not responsible for any confirmation of your reservations that is lost or otherwise not received when booking via the internet. If your spam blocker is on, a confirmation may not get through. It is your responsibility to call and get a confirmation email when booking via the internet. All reservations that are more than thirty (30) days from the scheduled date of service (the “Date of Service”) require a deposit of at least thirty (30) percent. Temporary Dumpster shall confirm the amount of the deposit at the time Client makes its reservation. A deposit of the full estimated cost of the Dumpster Rental Services (the “Estimated Cost”) is required for all reservations made less than thirty (30) days prior to the Date of Service. Payment of the full Estimated Cost is due no later than thirty days prior to the Date of Service. If you fail to timely pay any deposits or Estimated Costs or any other amounts owed to Temporary Dumpster as and when required in accordance with this Section 1, (a) you hereby authorize Temporary Dumpster to, and Temporary Dumpster  may in its sole discretion, initiate entries to your check/savings account and/or credit card at the financial institution provided by you at the time of reservation for the payment of any such deposits, Estimated Costs, or overage costs. Overage costs include but not limited to damage to the dumpsters, extra days, over weight capacity, trip fees. Client may change a reservation subject to (a) the availability of the required Dumpster Rental Services as proposed by the changed reservation, (b) payment of the applicable fee as determined by Temporary Dumpster in its sole discretion and (c) the approval by Temporary Dumpster in its sole discretion. Subject to the foregoing, all reservations are final and all payments and deposits are non-refundable.
(a) SUBJECT TO THE FOREGOING, ALL DEPOSITS AND OTHER PAYMENTS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT APPROVED BY Temporary DUMPSTER IN ITS SOLE DISCRETION. Any cancellation made more than thirty (30) days before the Date of Service will be subject to a charge equal to the amount of payments and deposits. Any cancellation made within thirty (30) days will result in a charge equal to 100% of the contracted for amount. In certain specific circumstances, Temporary Dumpster may in its sole discretion refund some or all of a deposit or the Estimated Costs that have been paid by you if a Service Dumpster procured by you for Dumpster Rental Services breaches its obligations under this Agreement to provide the Dumpster Rental Services (a “Performance Failure”). Any such Performance Failure shall not affect, and there shall be no refunds of any sort, in connection with any Service Dumpster not affected by a Performance Failure that you may have solidified for Dumpster Rental Services under this Agreement. You shall remain fully responsible and liable for all deposits, the Estimated Costs and all other amounts due under this Agreement for any such other Dumpster Rental Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. (b) If you want to cancel your reservation, you shall send written notice to: info@temporarydumpster.com (c) You agree to pay any cancellation or change fees that you incur. Any charge associated with a cancellation is final and not transferable to future or alternative services.
(a) All advertised rates are subject to change without notice and may be increased at any time by Temporary Dumpster in its sole discretion. (b) The rate quoted for the Dumpster Rental Services is an estimate based on the information that you provided to Temporary Dumpster in connection with your reservation. There may be additional charges including for taxes, credit card processing fees, damage to the dumpster, overtime (i.e., exceeding the time of your reservation), traveling further than originally requested and clean-up that requires a greater than normal amount of time and material necessary to clean the dumpster properly (“Excessive Cleaning”). The fee for Excessive Cleaning shall be determined by Temporary Dumpster in its sole discretion but the minimum fee is $250. (c) Client shall reimburse Dumpster Rental Company directly for any other expenses incurred in connection with the provision of the Dumpster Rental Services, and Temporary Dumpster shall have no responsibility or liability for any such Customer Expenses. (d) You hereby authorize Temporary Dumpster to initiate entries to your check/savings account and/or credit card at the financial institution provided by you at the time of reservation, and, if necessary, initiate adjustments for any transactions credited or debited in error or additional charges. This authority remains in effect until Temporary Dumpster is notified in writing to cancel it. To cancel such authority, you shall provide written notice to Temporary Dumpster no less than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of such cancellation. Temporary Dumpster may attempt multiple smaller transactions if your financial institution declines large transaction attempts. You agree that if any attempt to charge a credit or debit card is declined at any time, then Temporary Dumpster may terminate the option to pay by credit or debit card. If Temporary Dumpster terminates this option, then all remaining payments shall be made via check or electronic wire transfer. If you refuse to pay the remaining balance via check or wire then your reservation(s) will be cancelled and you will be subject to the cancellation charges set forth in Section 2. You agree that Temporary Dumpster shall ask, at it’s discretion, for all total payments exceeding $1,500 to be made via check or electronic wire transfer. Refusing to pay via check or electronic wire transfer does not nullify this agreement and shall not relieve you of cancellation charges as set forth in Section 2. (e) You agree not to dispute any fees or charges in connection with the Dumpster Rental Services that were otherwise made consistent with the terms of this Agreement, including cancellation fees, extra weight charges, extra day charges, damage to the dumpster, cancellation charges, warranties, dispute resolution, the Waived Conditions and any other risks for which Temporary Dumpster has disclaimed responsibility or any claims that you have waived (the “Improperly Disputed Amounts”). If you dispute any such fees or charges, then Temporary Dumpster  shall have the right to charge you, and you shall pay, any related fees charged by any financial institution involved with the dispute, any attorneys’ fees and expenses and court or arbitration costs associated with enforcing and collecting payment any such fees or charges and any other damages suffered by Temporary Dumpster related to or arising from the Improperly Disputed Amounts. (f) It is a violation of law to place a reservation in a false name or with an invalid credit card number with the intent to defraud. Please be aware that even if you do not give Temporary Dumpster your real name, your Web browser transmits a unique Internet address to us that can be used by law enforcement officials to identify you. Fraudulent users will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Accordingly, if you knowingly input false information in a reservation form, including someone else’s name, e-mail, address, physical address, phone number, random or made up name, address, e-mail, or phone number, you agree to fully indemnify and be liable to Temporary Dumpster and its affiliate companies, for an amount of $10,000 to each company involved, plus any attorneys’ fees and expenses and court or arbitration costs. (g) promotional rates will require a 1 ton minimum charge.
(a) Client shall be fully responsible for any overages incurred by the Dumpster Rental Company. Overages such as additional days, extra weight over weight capacity, damage to the dumpster, trip charges, will be charged at a rate determined by Temporary Dumpster in its sole discretion and is incurred in daily increments (plus additional taxes and fees). Temporary Dumpster cannot guarantee the availability of additional days. It is of particular importance then that you make allowances for anticipated delays and adhere to the agreed time schedule. Time and charges begin when the Service Dumpster arrives at the drop-off location. If there is an error in the stated address, you shall be charged for the time needed to reroute the Service dumpster to a different address. (b) You agree to pay the following additional expenses incurred in connection with Dumpster Rental Services directly to the Dumpster Rental Company.
(a) Client acknowledges and agrees that Temporary Dumpster is not a dumpster carrier and will not directly provide the Dumpster Rental Services. Temporary Dumpster provides the Dumpster Rental Services through independent third party dumpster carriers (the “Carriers”) that are directly responsible for providing the Dumpster Rental Services to you. Temporary Dumpster uses reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that all such Carriers are (i) DOT licensed, (ii) in compliance with all DOT and applicable laws, rules and regulations and (iii) qualified and able to provide the Dumpster Rental Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Temporary Dumpster shall not be responsible, and shall have no liability, for the acts or omissions of the Dumpster Rental Company, including errors, late shows, the quality of the Service Dumpster, the performance of the drivers, any violations of applicable laws, rules or regulations or any failure to provide the Dumpster Rental Services. The container is heavy. Keep children away from it at all times. The contractor, or their agents are responsible for providing an area to support the weight of the container. Temporary Dumpster will not be responsible for any claims or loss when the container is placed as directed by the contractor, homeowner, or their agents including driveway cracks, sinking, landscaping, and the like. When the container is placed on a public road, any accident, fire, or other incident involving the container will be the responsibility of the contractor or homeowner. Cost incurred to repair damages to the container other than normal wear and tear will be the responsibility of the contractor or homeowner. Temporary Dumpster will not be responsible for losses due to acts of God or misuse of the container. (b) Images of dumpsters presented on the Website may differ from the actual Service Dumpsters. Temporary Dumpster may substitute smaller dumpsters with larger ones. (c) Temporary Dumpster cannot guarantee any of the following (collectively, the “Waived Conditions”):
  • the specific make, or specific dumpster appearance of the Service Dumpster
  • the provision of the Dumpster Rental Services if any of the Service Dumpsters are affected by weather, mechanical breakdown, or other similar events (collectively, the “Interference Events”)
You acknowledge and agree that Temporary Dumpster cannot guarantee the Waived Conditions and you specifically waive any claims against Temporary Dumpster or right to terminate this Agreement or any refund related to or in connection with the Waived Conditions. With respect to any Interference Event, Temporary Dumpster ’s sole obligation is to use commercially reasonable efforts to get Dumpster Rental Company to get the Service Dumpster operating again or to obtain a replacement dumpster as soon as possible. (d) You specifically waive any claims against Temporary Dumpster and the Dumpster Rental Company or to terminate this Agreement or any sort of refund if the Service Dumpster is delayed due to events of Force Majeure, including GPS malfunctions, GPS signal problems incorrect route information on the GPS, road closures, or traffic delays. (e) Temporary Dumpster, the Dumpster Rental Company or the driver may terminate any rental without refund in its sole discretion, if (i) the driver feels that you are putting the driver, the Service Dumpster in danger or harm. This is without exception.
(a) Warranties. Each party represents and warrants to the other that (a) it has the full power to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder, (b) this Agreement constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of such party, enforceable against such party in accordance with its terms, and (c) this Agreement does not contravene, violate or conflict with any other agreement of such party. (b) Disclaimer. EXCEPT AS SPECIFICALLY PROVIDED IN THIS AGREEMENT, TEMPORARY DUMPSTER  MAKES, AND Temporary DUMPSTER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS, ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE DUMPSTER RENTAL SERVICES, THE SERVICE DUMPSTERS OR THE DUMPSTER RENTAL CARRIER, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS, TITLE, ANY WARRANTIES ARISING OUT OF A COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, DEALING OR TRADE USAGE, AND THEIR EQUIVALENTS UNDER THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION. WITHOUT LIMITATION TO THE FOREGOING, TEMPORARY DUMPSTER DOES NOT PROVIDE ANY WARRANTY OR UNDERTAKING, AND MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, THAT WITH RESPECT TO THE DUMPSTER RENTAL SERVICES WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR ACHIEVE ANY INTENDED RESULTS. YOU EXPRESSLY AGREE THAT THE DUMPSTER RENTAL SERVICES AND THE SERVICE DUMPSTER ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE”, “WITH ALL FAULTS” BASIS AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. (c) Limitation of Liability. TEMPORARY DUMPSTER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES FOR LOST DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOST PROFITS, LOST REVENUE OR LOST BUSINESS, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, THE DUMPSTER RENTAL SERVICES OR THE SERVICE DUMPSTER HOWEVER CAUSED AND BASED ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THIS AGREEMENT, THE DUMPSTER RENTAL SERVICES OR THE SERVICE DUMPSTERS, WHETHER OR NOT TEMPORARY DUMPSTER  HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE, AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. APPLICABLE LAW MAY NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY OR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY. IN SUCH CASES, TEMPORARY DUMPSTER ’S LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. In no event will Temporary Dumpster’s total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Dumpster Rental Services (whether in contract, tort including negligence, warranty, or otherwise), exceed the amount paid by you, if any, to Temporary Dumpster  during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the date of the claim, or five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), whichever is greater. The essential purpose of this provision is to limit the potential liability of Temporary Dumpster arising out of this Agreement or the Dumpster Rental Services whether for breach of contract, negligence, or otherwise. These limitations shall apply notwithstanding any failure of essential purpose of any limited remedy. (d) You acknowledge and agree that Temporary Dumpster is providing the Dumpster Rental Services and other services, sets its prices, and entered into this Agreement in reliance upon the warranty disclaimers and the limitations of liability set forth herein, that the warranty disclaimers and the limitations of liability set forth herein reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risk between you and Temporary Dumpster, and that the warranty disclaimers and the limitations of liability set forth herein form an essential basis of the bargain between you and Temporary Dumpster. Temporary Dumpster would not be able to provide the Dumpster Rental Services to you on an economically reasonable basis without these limitations. (e) Neither Temporary Dumpster nor Dumpster Rental Company shall be liable for any delay or failure in its performance of any of the acts required by this Agreement or the Dumpster Rental Services, when such delay or failure arises from circumstances beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of such party (“Force Majeure”). Such causes may include, without limitation, traffic, mechanical breakdowns, road conditions, acts of local, state or national governments or public agencies, acts of public enemies, acts of civil or military authority, labor disputes, utility or communication failures or delays, earthquakes, fire, flood, other natural disasters, epidemics, riots or strikes. The time for performance of any act delayed by any such event may be postponed for a period equal to the period of such delay.
(a) In situations where You engage Temporary Dumpster  to provide Dumpster Rental Services to an event (each, an “Event”) You own or are directly hosting or sponsoring, You hereby grant to Temporary Dumpster a perpetual, fully paid, non-exclusive, and royalty-free license to utilize Your trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, marks or other business identifiers related to such Event (collectively, the “Marks”) within the scope of license (the “Scope”) defined in Section 7(c) below. (b) In situations where You engage Temporary Dumpster  to provide Dumpster Rental Services to an Event that is owned, hosted or sponsored by a third party, You covenant, warrant and agree to obtain from such third party a perpetual, fully paid, non-exclusive, and royalty-free license to utilize such third party’s trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, marks or other business identifiers related to such Event (collectively, the “Third Party Marks”) within the scope of license (the “Scope”) defined below. (c) For the purposes of this Agreement, the “Scope” shall mean Temporary Dumpster ’s use of the Marks or Third Party Marks, as the case may be, to advertise and promote Temporary Dumpster’s Dumpster Rental Services by publicizing the fact that Temporary Dumpster has provided such Dumpster Rental Services to or on behalf of such Event.
You shall indemnify and hold harmless Temporary Dumpster, and each of its officers, directors, agents, contractors, subcontractors, licensees and employees (collectively referred to as the “Temporary Dumpster  Indemnitees”), and each of them, against and from any and all third party allegations, demands, claims, liabilities, damages, fines, penalties or costs of whatever nature (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), and whether by reason of death of or injury to any person or loss of or damage to any property or otherwise, (“Temporary Dumpster  Claims”), arising out of or in any way connected with (a) any actual or alleged violation or breach by you (including any of your employees. Contractors) of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, (b) violation of any law, rule or regulation, (c) use of the Website by you (including any of your employees or contractors) on behalf of yourself or any third party, (d) any failure to procure the license rights contemplated under Section 7(b) above, and (e) the acts or omissions of you (including any of your employees and contractors). If any Temporary Dumpster Claim is made or any action or proceeding is brought against Temporary Dumpster  Indemnitees, or any of them, any such Temporary Dumpster Indemnitee may, by notice to you, require you, at your expense, to resist such Temporary Dumpster Claim or take over the defense of any such action or proceeding and employ counsel for such purpose, such counsel to be subject to the prior approval of such Temporary Dumpster Indemnitee. Your reimbursement, indemnity and contribution obligations under this Section 7 shall be in addition to any liability that you may otherwise have and shall extend upon the same terms and conditions to Temporary Dumpster Indemnitees. You and Temporary Dumpster agree that any dispute, claim or controversy at law or equity that arises out of this Agreement or the Dumpster Rental Services (a “Claim”) will be resolved in accordance with this Section 8 or as Temporary Dumpster and you otherwise agree in writing.
(a) Choice of Law. This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Georgia, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. EACH PARTY IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY WAIVES, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY RIGHT IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY LEGAL ACTION, PROCEEDING, CAUSE OF ACTION OR COUNTERCLAIM ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO ANY CLAIM OR OTHERWISE IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE DUMPSTER RENTAL SERVICES. (b) Arbitration and Class Action Waiver. PLEASE REVIEW AS THIS AFFECTS YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS. (i) Arbitration. YOU AGREE THAT ALL CLAIMS BETWEEN YOU AND TEMPORARY DUMPSTER (WHETHER OR NOT SUCH CLAIM INVOLVES A THIRD PARTY) IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT OR THE DUMPSTER RENTAL SERVICES WILL BE RESOLVED BY BINDING, INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATION UNDER THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION’S RULES FOR ARBITRATION OF CONSUMER-RELATED DISPUTES IN DEKALB COUNTY, GEORGIA. YOU AND TEMPORARY DUMPSTER HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVE TRIAL BY JURY. DISCOVERY AND RIGHTS TO APPEAL IN ARBITRATION ARE GENERALLY MORE LIMITED THAN IN A LAWSUIT, AND OTHER RIGHTS THAT YOU AND TEMPORARY DUMPSTER WOULD HAVE IN COURT MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION. Neither you nor Temporary Dumpster will participate in a class action or class-wide arbitration for any claims covered by this agreement to arbitrate. YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE AS A CLASS REPRESENTATIVE OR CLASS MEMBER ON ANY CLASS CLAIM YOU MAY HAVE AGAINST TEMPORARY DUMPSTER INCLUDING ANY RIGHT TO CLASS ARBITRATION OR ANY CONSOLIDATION OF INDIVIDUAL ARBITRATIONS. You also agree not to participate in claims brought in a private attorney general or representative capacity, or consolidated claims involving another person’s account, if Temporary Dumpster is a party to the proceeding. This dispute resolution provision will be governed by the Federal Arbitration Act and not by any state law concerning arbitration. In the event the American Arbitration Association is unwilling or unable to set a hearing date within one hundred and sixty (160) days of filing the case, then either Temporary Dumpster or you can elect to have the arbitration administered instead by the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services. Judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court having competent jurisdiction. Any provision of applicable law notwithstanding, the arbitrator will not have authority to award damages, remedies or awards that conflict with these Terms. (ii) Judicial Forum for Disputes. In the event that the agreement to arbitrate under this Section 8(b) is found not to apply to you or your claim, you and Temporary Dumpster agree that any judicial proceeding (other than small claims actions) must be brought, solely and exclusively in, and will be subject to the service of process and other applicable procedural rules of, the federal or state courts of Dekalb County, Georgia. Both you and Temporary Dumpster consent to venue and personal jurisdiction there. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Temporary Dumpster may bring a claim for equitable relief in any court with proper jurisdiction. (iii) This arbitration agreement will survive the termination of this Agreement or your relationship with Temporary Dumpster . (c) Improperly Filed Claims. All claims you bring against Temporary Dumpster must be resolved in accordance with this Section 8. All claims filed or brought contrary to this Section 8 shall be considered improperly filed. Should you file a claim contrary to this Section 8, Temporary Dumpster may recover attorneys’ fees and costs up to $15,000, provided that Temporary Dumpster has notified you in writing of the improperly filed claim, and you have failed to promptly withdraw the claim. (e) Limitation on Time to File Claims. Any cause of action or claim you may have arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the Dumpster Rental Services must be commenced within one (1) year after the cause of action accrues, otherwise, such cause of action or claim is permanently barred
  1. Non-Disparagement.
You agree to take no action which is intended, or would reasonably be expected, to harm the Company or its or their reputation or which would reasonably be expected to lead to unwanted or unfavorable publicity to the Company. Should you take action intended, or would reasonably be expected, to harm the reputation of Temporary Dumpster, Temporary Dumpster may recover attorneys’ fees and costs up to $20,000.
  1. Miscellaneous.
(a) In the event that any provision of this Agreement shall be adjudged illegal or otherwise unenforceable, such provision shall be severed and the balance of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. (b) The waiver by Temporary Dumpster of any breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other breach (d) All notices pursuant to this Agreement to either party shall be in writing and shall be personally delivered or mailed by overnight courier, or transmitted electronically, fees prepaid. Notice shall be deemed given and effective on receipt by the party to whom such notice is directed. To: Temporary Dumpster 3721 Harts Court Chamblee, GA 30341 Email: info@temporarydumpster.com  Attn: Temporary Dumpster LLC.   To Client: To such address as provided to Temporary Dumpster (e) Except as provided in Section 8, the rights and remedies of the parties hereunder shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any of other rights provided by this Agreement or by law. (f) This Agreement is the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the Dumpster Rental Services. Any additional terms or any modification to this Agreement shall not be binding on either party unless in a writing duly signed by the party to be charged. (g) This Agreement and any rights and licenses granted hereunder, may not be transferred or assigned by you (by operation of law or otherwise), but may be assigned by Temporary Dumpster without restriction. Any assignment attempted to be made in violation of this Agreement shall be void. (h) No agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer or franchiser-franchisee relationship is intended or created by these Terms. (i) Upon termination of this Agreement, any provision which, by its nature or express terms should survive, will survive such termination or expiration, including, but not limited to, Sections 2(a) and 3- 9.

Terms and Conditions for Operators

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When you're ready to tackle that big project, Temporary Dumpster is your go-to provider for roll-off dumpster rentals. With a simple call to 1-800-513-4973, you can obtain an online dumpster rental quote and learn more about the various services offered to suit your needs.

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